Monday, February 02, 2009

I'm sorry , what's ur name again? that's weird..??!! where are u from? asalnya mana mbak?? whouaah panjang jadinya....

Yes, i get that a lot everytime i say my name.... or introduce my self

Kalo Shakespears bilang What is a name? gw juga nggak mau kalah deh ... heehehehe

gw dulu bencii banget ama nama gw yang super susah and puanjang sering di olok-olok , di cenk'in, di cela pokoknya waktu SD sempet agak nightmare gitu deh gadsya .. gado-gado something gitu mereka bilang ... trus gw mulai belajar PD aja and just don't give a Damn! waktu di Highscool gw malah di panggil " Eh, kupang, timor" hahaha mulai rasis daah heheheeh mungkin mereka sirik and yang ada gw malah jadi tenar and terkenal hmm.. ada untungnya tuh punya sesuatu yang aneh and unik.. ok, mungkin nama gw nggak banyak yang tahu kepanjangan and artinya and dari mana Mami and papi gw kepikiran kasih anaknya yang lucu ini nama yg sebegitu unik... ok Nama gw GADSYA STARLY ANGELA YULIVIER NGGADAS ... *Phewwh puanjang yah.. ok

Awalnya waktu mami gw hamil, papi gw mau banget anak cowok katanya mau di kasih nama OLivier after the famous actor or something .. papi and mami gw ngefanz banget sama dia!! eh, setelah bebrapa bulan kemudian lahir bayi cewek.. secara tahun 80 kagak ada USG segala jadi kelamin si baby nggak ketahuan lahirlah lewat operasi SESAR BAYI PEREMPUAN walaah bingung juga... akhirnya papi gw mau kasih nama Naomi gadsya after My grandmother.. cuman nyokap maunya Gadsya aja soalnya kalo Naomi nama orang dulu hihihihih ... so alhasil jadilah GADSYA ! kurang puas tuh nyokap eh, di tambahin STARLIGHT halaahh susah yah jadi bahasa bule katanya siey * cieehh* nyokap pingin gw jadi bintang yang selalu bersinar (AMIEN) semoga kagak sia-sia dah dia kasih nama itu.. akhirnya di lafalin jadi STARLY soal nya terlalu susah di eja and di sebut... trus ANGELA secara sepupu and sodara gw dah pake angelica, angelina so gw ANGELA well, i always look like an ANGEL for everyone hihhihih ok dahh.. last but not least .. YULVIER .. karena nggak kesampaian kasih nama Olivier and gw lahir BUlan JUli ( tgl 19.. catat!) di gabung lah jadi YULIVIER ... and NGGADAS as u know di timor kudu pake nama AYAHANDA hehehehhe...

well, jadilah nama gw yang super panjang itu ... akhirnya banyak yg manggil gw ... GATSBY, GISBY, GLADYS, GADIS .. walaahh i have lots of nick name..!! Sekarang malah di Ada yg make Angela beberapa customers, vendors, hahaha beberapa temen di pool juga manggil angela , gw ampe punya nick name Tinkerbell, wench, chocolate nokia girl, tante gadss, wadooh banyak deh.. tapi, gw nggak pernah komplen di panggil apa aja ahahahha ... selama temen-temen sendiri.. :) so, next time kalo elo punya nama aneh nggak usah sebel , menyesal atau sedih.. gw nggak menyesal punya nama aneh.. malahan gw seneng kalo google nama gw udah ada sekarang banyak lagi hahahahah ....

So, remember if u have a big name .. They have to kill your name before they kill you ... :)

EH, Sekalian deh pernah nggak punya temen yg namanya aneh? atau denger nama yg super weird.. but, harus temen yang elo kenal yah... :) atau punya pengalaman aneh misalnya namanya sangkin susah banget kagak bisa di eja di imigrasi ahhahahah <-- try this one...

Mine is
G is for Gorgeous
A is for Arty
D is for Devious
S is for Sensitive
Y is for Young
A is for Animated
G is for Genius
A is for Amorous
D is for Delicate
S is for Sincere
Y is for Yummy
A is for Amorous

A is for Adaptable
N is for Neat
G is for Genius
E is for Exuberant
L is for Luxurious
A is for Ambitious

hahaahhha.... yang kedua di cari'in ama temen gw ternyata kalo di coba lagi hasilnya beda-beda... hihhhhih


Gadsya Angela " Remember My Name , You'll Be screaming it later"
crita dikit aahh... Gw punya benda yang amat berjasa bagi gw pemberian dari laki gw yaitu sebuah external HD sebesar 60 GB. Wuiihh seneng dunk punya 60 GB udha gw taruh foto foto ampe file kantor ampe music yg segabreg kagak ada habis habisnya.. selalu gw bawa kemana -mana secara waktu itu belum ada Notebook nemenin gw jadi langganan warnet dah tuh gw bawa mulu colok sana sani sono...

sampe suatu saat pas gw ngerjain salah satu projek event gw keesokan harinya kok nggak bisa di detect lagi ama semua kompi!! Damn! secara gw butuh banget data yg di dalamnya gw dah panik duoonnkk... karena panik tak ketulungan gw cabut ke office 2000 di CITOS gw liat ada HD 160 GB mikir punya mikir gw beli aja tuh ext HD aduuuhhh gadsyy

tapi teteup aja gw pingin data yg ada di EXT HD yg 60 GB... tanya segenap penjuru IT dari jagonya ampe yg ngaku bisa benerin mereka bilang "gads, paling casingnya aja tuh elo ganti bisa kok" .. huuuuu gw sanderalah sepupu gw si chillie kita ke ambas buat benerin nie benda berisi setengah hidup gw hahaha... nah pas di buka sama orang ambas and di ganti casingnya alhasil gw langsung triak YESS!! balik juga tuh semua data.... dan bayar cuman 100 rebu! huuuu secara gw beli tuh 160 GB 1,2 juta emang sie bagus punya.. gw kagak mau beli yg sembarangan kalo urusan begono... but, waaiiitt it ain't stop there!! selang beberapa waktu kok, nie HD 60 GB yg baru di benerin kagak mau ke baca lagi error bin error mamposss dooooooooooohhhhhh...... mana baru foto - foto doang yg gw pindahin dari data yg lama!

akhirnya setelah di bawa ke tempat yg sama and di coba mereka dengan muka polos bilang "mbak, ini datanya dah nggak bisa di baca, rusak... kalo mbak mau datanya balik bisa tapi, lama trus gw spontan nanya "berapa??" mereka bilang 1 file 2000 rupiah *GUBRAAGGSSSS!! mas!! itu isinya sekitar 40 GB dah ke isi !!gw mau bayar brapa jutaa coooongg!! whoiuaaaahhhhh... akhiornya ilang sudah... dengan pasrah mereka bilang ini mbak diformat ulang aja.. dalam hati itu juga gw tahu kagak usah di bawa kesini gw juga bisa dari notebook gw...
huuuuuuuu alhasil sekarang yg 60 GB bertenger dalam notebook gw and 160 GB jadi external HD gw yang penuh dengan God knows what heheheeh.

hmm.. itu baru crita HD gw.. kalo crita notebook lain perkara secara low memory jadi suka hang kagak keruaan udah di bantai lebih dari 5 kali akhirnya dia bisa uga di pergunakan.... pheewwwhhh what can i say technology sucksss!! atau human error??!! atau........... ???????????

btw, kehilangan sesuatu seperti , data, hp, notebook or other material thing sie jangan terlalu di bawa hati kali yaah walaupun pedihh... yang penting kagak kehilangan orang - orang di sayangi kaaann hihihihihih.....


gadsya angela
In your life, you'll make note of a lot of people. Ones with whom you
shared something special, ones who will always mean something.
There's the one you first kissed, the one you first loved, the one you
lost your virginity to, the one you put on a pedestal, the one you're
with...and the one that got away.

Who is the one that got away? I guess it's that person with who
everything was great, everything was perfect, but the timing was just
wrong. There was no fault in the person, there was no flaw in the
chemistry, but the cards just didn't fall the right way, I suppose.

I believe in the fact that ending up with someone, finding a longtime
partner that is, does not lie merely in the other person. I can
actually argue that an equal part, or maybe even the greater part, has
to do with the matter of timing. It has to do with you being ready to
settle down and commit to someone in a way that goes beyond the little
niceties of giddy romance.

How often have you gone through it without even realizing it? When
you're not ready to commit in that mature manner, it doesn't matter who
you're with, it just doesn't work. Small problems become big;
inconsequential become dealbreakers simply because you're not ready
and it shows. It's not that you and the person you're with are no good;
it's just that it's not yet right, and little things become the flashpoint
of that fact..

Then one day you're ready. You really are. And when this happens you'll
be ready to settle down with someone. He or she may not be the most
perfect, they might not be the brightest star of romance to ever have
burned in your life, but it'll work because you're ready. It'll work
because it's the right time and you'll make it work. And it'll make
sense, it really will.

So that day comes when you're finally making sense of things, and you
find yourself to be a different person. Things are different, your
approach is different, you finally understand who you are and what you
want, and you've become ready because the time has truly arrived. And
mind you, there's no telling when this day will come. Hopefully you're
single but you could be in a long-term relationship, you could be
married with three kids, it doesn't matter. All you know is that you've
changed, and for some reason, the one that got away, is the first
person you think about.

You'll think about them because you'll wonder, "What if they were here
today?" You'll wonder, "What if we were together now, with me as I am
and not as I was?" That's what the one that got away is. The biggest
"What if?" you'll have in your life.

If you're married, you'll just have to accept the fact that the one that
got away, got away. Believe me, no matter how fairy tale you think your
marriage is, this can happen to the best of us. But hopefully you're mature
enough to realize that you're already with the one you're with and this is
another test of your commitment, one which will just strengthen your
marriage when you get past it. Sure, you'll think about him/her every so
often, but it's alright. It's never nice to live with a "might have been,"
but it happens.

Maybe the one that got away is the one who's already married. In which
case it's the same thing. You just have to accept and know that your
memories of that person will probably bring a nice little smile to your
lips in the future when you're old and gray and reminiscing.

But if neither of that is the case, then it's different. What do you do
if it's not yet too late? Simple...find him, find her. Because the very
existence of a "one that got away" means that you'll always wonder,
what if you got that one?

Ask him out to coffee, ask her out to a movie, it doesn't matter if
you've dropped in from out of nowhere. You'd be surprised, you just
might be "the one that got away" as well for the person who is your
"the one that got away."

You might drop in from out of nowhere and it won't make a difference.
If the timing is finally right, it'll all just fall into place somehow and
you know, I'm thinking, it would be a great feeling, in the end, to be able
say to someone, "Hey you, you're the one that almost got away."

